Verified Artist AI Voice Application

Verified AI Voice FAQ's

What is a Verified AI Voice?

Verified voices are officially licensed, high-quality AI voice models made from influential artists! All applications will be assessed by our team to ensure authenticity from the artist.

What are the terms of the Voice?

The artist is in control! They get to decide the marketplace price (a one time fee for access to the voice), royalty % for commercial releases, names that users can do commercial releases under, & if they would like to approve songs before commercial release that use their voice model!

Where will people be able to buy the Verified Voices?

Users will be able to buy Verified Voices from our marketplace. Once bought, these voices will automatically be available to use in our voice converter

How will you make the AI voice?

If your application is accepted, we will send further instructions on sending us your vocals. 

We will need at least 45 minutes of high-quality singing or rapping DRY vocals (NO reverb, delay, stereo, chorus, etc.)

How will I be paid for my Verified Voice?

All payments will be made via Stripe at least once per week. You will also receive email notifications each time someone purchases your AI voice.

What audience size do I need to be considered?

You must have at least 10,000 followers/subscribers on at least 1 platform to be considered during our initial launch of this product. In the future, we hope to open this up to more artists. 

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